I am responsible for creating Betsy, the first hucow in the world. She came to me as a pathetic little girl, desperate to be used as cattle. I had spent the last 40 years raising livestock, and when I heard that she wanted to be a human cow my mind was racing with ideas.
Betsy wanted to perform science experiments, but I told her immediately that I would be the one to decide what happens to her. I told her that she will be my property, and I will oversee the training. Once I showed Betsy that I knew more than her, she agreed to fully submit.
She needed to move onto my property by the next day. I would pick her up. She wanted to meet at a public location, which was fine with me because it was a good opportunity to start the training. I saw her standing in front of the library where she told me to meet her, but I had to park the truck.
When I walked towards her I could see an anxious look on her face. Great, I thought, this bitch is going to balk. “I don’t know why you brought a bag, you will not be allowed to keep any belongings. In fact, you need to take off every man-made item from your body. Take off those fucking clothes and jewelry right here.”
I was shocked when she complied without a word. I was still skeptical that she would last as a hucow, but it was off to a promising start.
“Leave your shit, we’re going. Here is your new collar with cowbell, you are never allowed to take it off. You will be attached to your leash most of your day, especially when off farm grounds. You are not allowed to speak for the next 30 days, then I will decide if you may speak when spoken to.”
I walked her around the block and into the park, anywhere there were people. This was her first training, I wanted to see how she behaved in public. Betsy could tell that everyone was staring, but instead of being ashamed the horny whore actually loved it.

When we were in the park I even let her lay around a bit in the grass. A crowd was starting to form around us and she loved the attention, crawling around showing her ass, laying on her back with her legs spread… But the crowd got too big and some of them started trying to come talk to me, so it was time to go.
“Thank you for your interest in my pet, but we must go. Come on Betsy.”
I brought her to the truck where I told her to get in the trailer. I was shocked again when she climbed up into the dark smelly thing. Once we got back to the farm, I unloaded her and walked her to the barn. I had a hitching post and a bucket set up for her.
“Alrighty Betsy, it’s about time we go over your new life. This is your barn, you’ll be hitched here until I am ready to bring you out for training. The fucking milking machine is still in transit, so you’ll be milked by hand until it arrives. It’s going to take a lot of time and effort to transform you, I am creating a schedule so the farmhands and my boys can help out.
“For the first 30 days you’ll be milked every two hours. You will be responsible for servicing the workers and you must eat at least 12 loads of semen per day for the first 7 days, then it will be 6 loads from then on, plus whatever visitors come. I put an ad in the paper looking for customers, they get an hour with ya, I better not hear of any defiance, ya hear? You are going to be my cash cow, whore, don’t make me beat ya.”
Click here to learn more about Betsy’s first 30 days as a hucow.
1 comment
I can’t wait to read more.